MAX45K - Multi Array Xplorer Fully Automated Device
Laboratory Allergy Diagnostics, MAX45K - Fully Automated Allergy System
MAX45K FULLY AUTOMATED Device is required to run the ALEX2 IgE Allergy Explorer and the FOX IgG Food Explorer. MAX45 is benchtop device which collaborates with MADx RAPTOR SERVER analysis software.
- Fully automated batch analyzer
- Up to 50 patient samples in one assay run
- Three assay runs per day – including overnight run - production of 45.000 results
- Total assay time: 4 hours
- Hands on time: 20 minutes
- Loading time: 5 minutes
- Visual result control time: up to 15 minutes
* Requires ALEX2 IgE Cartridge (296 allergens)
* Food Print Test FOX IgG can be run separately (286 allergens)
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